iPlayer on Mac…

iPlayer on Mac…

Originally uploaded by BillT.

Just signed up for the BBC iPlayer trial, and it works just fine on my MacBook 🙂 Of course, if I didn’t already have XP+Parallels it would be an expensive hobby to indulge in.

Changing the way we think about security

[As ever, read this on the BBC News website if you prefer]

The long-term viability of the iPhone is unlikely to be seriously damaged by reports of a serious security vulnerability that allows hackers to take over the device.

Most early iPhone adopters have bought into the Apple mythology which convinces them that anything blessed by Steve Jobs is automatically desirable, so we won’t see a mass return of the shiny devices with their slick interface.

Continue reading “Changing the way we think about security”

openDemocracy.net: Leaving Gt Sutton St

I’ve been involved with opendemocracy.net since shortly after it was founded, and spent a lot of time at their offices in Gt Sutton Street. They had to move after the rent was increased, so I went along to say goodbye. With a camera, natch.

I saw this…

Here’s what I’ve tagged on del.icio.us on July 20th:

Keeping the Internet Open

[as ever, you can read this on the BBC News website]

In a desperate search for a reason to issue a press release the US-based Software and Information Industry Association has latched onto the tenth anniverary of the US Government’s ‘Framework for Global Electronic Commerce’ as an excuse to put out yet another ranking of significant developments in internet history.

A group of unnamed ‘policy and industry experts’ has chosen the top ten developments in ecommerce since 1997, and although pseudo-polls like this one usually merit little attention there are some unexpected nuggets in the list.

Continue reading “Keeping the Internet Open”