Need social guidance- person opp on train not using space, I have long legs. May I stretch?
The things @GarethM does for #bbcclickradio – on air soon.
At the IOE in London for #rebelliousMC – watching Chomsky, on later with @barefoot_techie (buy her book…)
Talking archive at #digicaparts at Siobhan Davies studios
I’m chairing
Best conference venue. Ever. #etech11
We are in the national library…
The door to Doctor Freud’s consulting rooms
Took a walk to Berggasse 19 during lunch break…
Breakfast in Vienna (prior to #etech11)
I didn’t eat any of this, honest!
Waiting to go on at #europeanatech
I’m giving this morning’s keynote- have to say, the conference venue is coolness(Osterreichische Nationalbiblothek, Wien)