- Heading out for a relatively quiet & pressure free day – #diigitalplanet done without me this week as they are at #sxsw while I have a life! #
- @sleepydog happy birthday to you, too! [See how Twitter has replaced Facebook as the space for this?] #
- @Suw always put ‘read to do list’ at top of to do list, do that first, tick it off, feel better… in reply to Suw #
- Been reflecting on @cshirky’s essay on newspapers http://snurl.com/dxbx9 and I think we ask what journalism is for: http://snurl.com/dxbwj #
- @hairydalek thanks – rebooted! in reply to hairydalek #
- Just declared Bloglines bankruptcy and marked all as read in my feeds. It was the only way. #
- @spraveenitpro it feels good! in reply to spraveenitpro #
- @rooreynolds say hello to @cshirky from me! in reply to rooreynolds #
- Been such a lovely evening with @mattkelland and @bluemaiya. wecanhazbooze! #
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Well, Bill, I just read on rixstep.com – an Apple fanzine – that you’ve finally been proved to be a “Bill Gates call girl”. This was over “conficker”. Now it’s certainly true that the BBC is extremely Microsoft-centric, but I can’t say you yourself ever struck me that way. This does seem to me be going a bit far – and, FWIW, I’m a Mac user myself.
Is this the worst insult on the interwebs tubing you’ve had yet? 🙂